Cedrus Juniperus
CEDARWOOD essential oil is steam distilled from the branches and “leaves” of various types of cedarwood trees. Different trees world-wide have different characteristics and qualities. However, almost all cedar trees and their bio-components are good friends to the nervous system, calming, bringing a sense of strength and stability and are very good for helping the system rest and sleep.
EO of Cedarwood is beneficial of the skin and hair and lungs . .. the ORGANS OF EXCHANGE: Energetically that contributes to good healthy boundaries. Strength and stability are natural qualities of good boundaries. Standing in ones own center. Ones own space and roots. This essential oil energetically lets our etheric field be more receptive and less “defensive” . . . more “in exchange” with the world around us. It is possible because our CENTER is ESTABLISHED.
The large tall trunks of the Cedarwood trees . . .from which the branches and leaves extend . . . help us to attune to CENTERING. Becoming aware of our central energetic channel, midline, presence, roots to rising. Earth to Heavens.