Welcome to a little introduction to what is meant by the word "Somatics". . . and some of the roots of where our somatic practices comes from. This video is pre-recorded from another online training.

Week 1: A Sensory Meeting with your own Pelvis

Week 2: Hara Center - Making Contact through Sitting and Standing

Week 3: The Pelvic Joints

Week 4: The Jaw / Pelvis Connection

Meet Ina May Gaskin . . . one of my heroes! She one of the most experienced and truth telling midwives on our planet . . . and I have learned so much about my own women's body and health by listening to her talks about birthing.

Here she speaks about the "sphincter law" (as she calls it) which I feel is very relevant to the work we are doing with HARA and pelvis and jaw.

video quality is not so good, but stick with it. This woman has some truths to tell that will open your eyes.

Week 5: Energetic Flow between Pelvis and Heart

Thank you for practicing with me!